‘1984’ in 2019

George Packer asks what 1984 means in today's America, and explains why Orwell never intended his novel to be a prediction, only a warning.

Leonard Cohen in Love

Leonard Cohen's love letters to Marianne Ihlen, which also described the writing and publication of Cohen's novels, recently sold for a whopping $876,000.

Not All Dads Are Good Dads

Andrew Thurman writes about a literary genre he's particularly invested in: the Bad Dad Memoir, typically written by the offspring of said Bad Dads.

‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ Turns 50

Since its publication 50 years ago, Eric Carle's classic picture book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, has been translated into more than 62 languages.

Bodies in Public

Édouard Louis discusses his third book, Who Killed My Father, as well as violence, poverty, and the gilets jaunes movement.

Summer Marketing Season

It's that time again. Out come the bathing suits and beach-focused marketing campaigns. Allison Duncan dissects the category of the "beach read."

On American Sonnets

Stephanie Burt writes about Terrance Hayes, Wanda Coleman's American Sonnets, confinement, and the mechanics of lyric poetry.

On Not Dating Natalie Portman

Moby, the electronic music producer currently elbowing his way back into the cultural imaginary, has cancelled his upcoming book tour.

The Future of the University Library

The landscape of university library use is changing, along with the attendant ways in which academics and college students alike do research.

Democrats and the Written Word

Jill Lepore brings a critical eye to the memoirs of 2020's Democratic presidential candidates, including Pete Buttigieg and Elizabeth Warren.

Books for a Post-‘Game of Thrones’ World

What should you read to get your Game of Thrones fix now that the TV series is over? N.K. Jemisin, Nnedi Okorafor, and Kirstin Downey for starters.

Daniel José Older and Marlon James Aren’t Genre Snobs

For LitHub’s Fiction/Non/Fiction podcast, Marlon James and Daniel José Older talk genre, gender identity in ancient Africa, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Rethinking Motherhood

This motherhood book list ranges from Adrienne Rich's Of Woman Born to Ada Limón's The Carrying.

What Is Camp?

You may have watched the Met Gala this week with a mix of horror, fascination, and one nudging complaint: That's not camp!

A Way Out of No Way

Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor reviews Saidiya Hartman's Wayward Crossings, Beautiful Experiments, "a radical, genre-defying examination of the lives of 'ordinary' young Black women."

Lynne Tillman Doesn’t Write About Art

For the Los Angeles Review of Books, an interview with Lynne Tillman on her relationship with art historian, critic, and theorist Craig Owens, who died 29 years ago at the age of 39.