
Small Technologies: The Millions Interviews Todd Myers
"This isn’t just blind optimism. The math backs this up."

Collaborative Effort: The Millions Interviews Felicity Aston
"You don’t need to travel to the Arctic Ocean for evidence of global warming."

A Natural Wonder: The Millions Interviews David Alexander Baker
"Corals can surprise us, if we give them space to evolve."

All Stories Are About Change: The Millions Interview Catherine Ryan Howard
"Plot is character, and vice-versa. I don’t see how you can separate the two."

Laughter Is the Truth: The Millions Interviews Nora Zelevansky
"I have little to no memory of writing this book."

Black Landscapes: The Millions Interviews M Shelly Conner
"I wanted to portray the South as I know it—as its grandchild."

Find That First Sentence: The Millions Interviews Christopher Amenta
"I like to chase the characters across the page."

The Magical and the Mundane: The Millions Interviews Alanna Schubach
"The person I am when reading or writing feels like a better person than who I am moment-to-moment in the everyday."

Always Present, Sometimes Deadly: The Millions Interviews Matt Bondurant
"Morally despicable people are often powerful agents of history, and I feel the historical novelist has some obligation to wrestle with this conundrum."

Writing the Jersey Shore: The Millions Interviews Daniel H. Turtel
The Millions caught up with Turtel to chat about Greetings from Asbury Park, his process, New Jersey fiction, and a whole lot more.

Evolution Is Never a Straight Line: The Millions Interviews Douglas R. Burgess Jr.
Donald Trump remains one of the greatest threats to human rights and progress since Adolf Hitler.

Living History: The Millions Interviews Jason Sommer
My father often seemed angry and didn’t sleep well. There was a recurrent, if intermittent, sense of unease around the family, a kind of haunting. Eventually the ghosts, and the demons, were named.

Dance or Die: The Millions Interviews Ahmad Joudeh
When the civil war broke out in Syria in 2011, religiously fanatic extremists came into the country. They started targeting me, as I was a dancer and as I was teaching dance to children.

Healing America: The Millions Interviews Manuel Hinds
The strength of the United States is within its individual citizens—their values and their courage. History will say if we are right in trusting that they still keep in place the values of the Founding Fathers.

Finding Hope at 18,000 Feet: The Millions Interviews Jeff Belanger
When it was summit night, subzero temperatures, and I’m fighting for every molecule of oxygen, I had the temptation to give up, but I didn’t. I love knowing I still have that grit when I need it.

Diversifying the Workplace, One Company at a Time: The Millions Interviews Jodi Ecker Detjen
People look at inclusiveness as a fixed pie—if we get more women in leadership, there will be less men in leadership. But the more we open up roles to more people, it actually grows the pie.

Listening to the Voices in His Head: The Millions Interviews Jim Gauer
Would Gaddis have been able to write JR if he hadn’t been forced to work in PR and learn about the business and legal worlds?