Rich People Problems: On Jay McInerney’s ‘Bright, Precious Days’

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Whatever else you could say about the young Jay McInerney, he was a damn good novelist. But it seems long past time to admit that, like his fictional avatar Russell Calloway, that early Jay McInerney is long gone, his place taken by an aging society wit, whose work, while never less than polished and professional, has lost its precious brightness.
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White Lives Matter: On Nancy Isenberg’s ‘White Trash’

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Isenberg appears to have decided to write a history of poor white America and then persuaded herself that poor black America was only tangential to her story.
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Make the Western Canon Great Again!

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I’ll ban all books by immigrant writers until we can figure out what the hell is going on with the Western Canon.
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Ernest Hemingway: Middlebrow Revolutionary

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Like many men who pride themselves on their toughness and self-reliance, Hemingway was almost comically insecure and prone to betray anyone who had the effrontery to do him a favor.
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Look at Your Game, Girl: On Emma Cline’s ‘The Girls’

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There is so much I wish I could unknow about Emma Cline and her debut novel 'The Girls.'
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A Year in Reading: Michael Bourne

So this is what it would be like to meet one of my favorite authors while on acid.

A Visit to Planet North Korea: On Adam Johnson’s ‘The Orphan Master’s Son’

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After Adam Johnson’s surprise win of the National Book Award for 'Fortune Smiles' last week, readers new to Johnson's work may also want to make room on their Christmas wish lists for his 2012 novel, 'The Orphan Master’s Son.'
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#NaGrafWriMo: Welcome to National Paragraph Writing Month!

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It can take more talent, determination, and hard work to write one good paragraph than an entire lousy book.
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Pulp Nonfiction: The Art and Business of Memoir

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Whether its practitioners like to admit it or not, contemporary memoir, to a far greater degree than contemporary fiction, is an agents’ and editors’ medium.
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Apocalypse Now: Claire Vaye Watkins’s ‘Gold Fame Citrus’

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'Gold Fame Citrus' takes an important step away from the moral convenience of cataclysm-as-metaphor -- or, in lesser novels, cataclysm-as-plot-starter -- toward an angrier, more urgent form that insists its reader do more than wallow in free-floating anxiety about the future.
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Joan Didion, America’s Truth-Teller

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Didion possessed the luck of serving as a human tuning fork for the anxieties of her age and the dogged curiosity to pursue those anxieties wherever they led.
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What Was the Matter with Kansas? On Andrew Malan Milward’s ‘I Was a Revolutionary’

Unlike many young writers, Milward's gaze isn’t directed at his own navel, but outward at the rough, strange history of the state that formed him.

America, Meet the Real Atticus Finch

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Whatever its true provenance, 'Go Set a Watchman,' despite some deft prose and sharp dialogue, fails as a work of art in every way except as a corrective to the standard sentimental reading of Atticus Finch.
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No More Lies: The Great Second-Half 2015 Nonfiction Preview

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Today, we offer a preview of some of the most compelling nonfiction titles set to arrive in bookstores between now and December.
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Father’s Day Books for Dads Who Actually Read

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A certain kind of man views his bookshelves the way a leopard sees bleached bones on the veldt -- as evidence of past kills, the larger the better.
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Hinge of History: Nine Books for the Post-Ferguson Era

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These nine books, some new, some decades old, shed light on the history and evolution of racism in America.
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Stodgy, Slow, Sacred: Fathers and Sons and Baseball

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This is why baseball matters so much to me. In an era of relentless change, here is one thing that has remained constant without losing its capacity to dazzle. Here is one thing a dad and an eight-year-old can talk about without either one having to pretend to be interested.
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My Neighbor, the Poet Laureate

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When I read over the weekend that Levine had died, at age 87, I thought of that rainy September afternoon in Brooklyn.
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