The Millions Interview Grand Lies We Tell Ourselves: The Millions Interviews David Moloney Julian Zabalbeascoa - 4.14.2020 Instead of writing towards a catharsis, I tricked myself into putting my repressed emotions onto my characters. Julian Zabalbeascoa - 4.14.2020
The Millions Interview Literary Testimony: Fernando Aramburu Tells the Basque Story Julian Zabalbeascoa - 4.17.2019 When all is said and done, a novel is a means whereby we impose order on human experience, always leaving to the readers the possibility of reaching their own interpretations. Julian Zabalbeascoa - 4.17.2019
Reviews Troubling Silences: On Bernardo Atxaga’s ‘Nevada Days’ Julian Zabalbeascoa - 7.23.2018 Atxaga’s grand curiosity never dulls or wavers—he becomes the frog introduced late to the boiling pot in which the rest of us obliviously sit. Julian Zabalbeascoa - 7.23.2018