The Secondary Mourner

What does that make us—the former in-laws and spouses? The family friends? We are mourners once removed, like second cousins no one’s ever met. Technically family, practically not.

Hot Milk Sponge Cake: On the Stories Recipes Remember

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Recipes themselves appeal to me because they are small and finite: little works. You set yourself a goal, pursue and finish it, it doesn’t take very long. That’s the opposite of what I spend my time doing. The longest, most complicated recipe I ever made took me a day. A novel takes years.
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When This You See, Remember Me

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Getting rid of the clothing of someone who has died is almost a cliché, heavily metaphorical however you look at it. So it was a surprise that, within weeks of my mother’s death, my father wanted her clothes out of the house. Everything, gone.
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