Politics, Art, and the Practice of Writing: A Conversation with Orson Scott Card

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Until recently most people knew Orson Scott Card as the author of Ender’s Game, a beloved modern science fiction classic. Of late, however, Card’s opposition to gay marriage has led to widespread media excoriation and intense scrutiny of his politics. In an effort to nuance current coverage, I chose to ask Card questions about writing and his identity as a writer.
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Ban This Book: An Uncensored Look At The Lorax And Other Dangerous Books

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Am I a closet censor, ready to suppress repugnant ideologies while trumpeting the importance of Banned Books Week? The short answer is yes. Fortunately, books I find disgusting simply don’t get purchased by libraries or required by schools, saving me, and other like-minded individuals, from the embarrassing and hypocritical task of challenging them.
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