A Year in Reading: SlushPile.Net

December 13, 2006 | 1 book mentioned

I was first introduced to Scott at BEA in DC this past spring, and though I’d come across his blog, SlushPile.Net, in passing before, I began reading it in earnest after we met. I’m glad I did. He delivers a steady flow of commentary that is instructive and often funny. I’ve been enjoying it quite a bit so I’m glad he found some time to talk about the best book he read this year.

I must say, it’s a challenge. Sometimes I feel like I read so much that it all kind of runs together. And even though I KNOW there are great books, they kind of get dulled by all the others.

Anyhow, looking back on the year, the book that I really enjoyed, and stands out because it was such a pleasant surprise was…

Seaworthy by T.R. Pearson

coverThis nonfiction book details the trans-Pacific journeys of William Willis. At an age when most people enjoy retirement, Willis built a raft by hand and sailed from South America to Australia. He set out on his first trip when he was sixty. He repeated the adventure when he was seventy. Willis was part hero, part idiot. The storyline itself is compelling enough, but Pearson’s warm, sophisticated tone suits this tale impeccably.

Thanks Scott!