A Year in Reading: Allegra Goodman

December 15, 2010


coverMy favorite book this year was Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel.  This is one of those books I carried around with me all the time in hopes I’d have a few minutes to keep reading.  I don’t usually read historical novels, but this one was so luscious and unsentimental that I could not put it down.  It’s the story of the Anne Boleyn crisis from a fresh point of view: that of Thomas Cromwell, lawyer and fixer for Henry VIII.  I love Mantel’s intimate point of view, and her unsparing portrait of Cromwell, who is a pragmatist, to say the least.  He’s a ruthless politico and yet you feel for him as well.  Mantel couldn’t fit everything into this book, so she’s writing a sequel.  I can’t wait!

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's novels include The Cookbook Collector, Intuition, and Kaaterskill Falls.  For more information, see: www.allegragoodman.com