Does Becoming a Mother Mean Immolation?

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'Know the Mother' is a welcome antidote to the fetishization of motherhood that tends to reach its obscenely sugar-coated peak in the month of May.
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Awaiting the Next Revival: In Search of Isabel Bolton

Isabel Bolton has fallen into obscurity a second time. How and why does this happen? What accounts for the failure of a work to catch hold, in spite of outstanding reviews?

What’s So Civil About War, Anyway? On Occupation and Rebirth

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Andrea Molesini’s novel offers up the other side of the well-worn battle story -- the tension of a quiet occupation, in which the veneer of civility remains in place, like a shattered mirror whose shards of glass need only a tap to come cascading down.
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Small Victories, Large Discoveries: On Fishes, Ponds, and Finding Open Spaces

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That not all good or great art is recognized is easy to forget. We can too readily entrust tastemakers of the day -- the Academie of 1874 France, A-list publishing houses and magazines, even the Twitter kings and queens -- to point us to ideas, works, and forms that are worthwhile.
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A True Radical: Mary Daly, Desire, and Exuberant Feminist Ethics

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She found the lectures stifling, but the intellectual demands bracing. She called it "seven years’ ecstatic experience interspersed with brief periods of gloom...a sort of lengthy spiritual-intellectual chess game.”
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Punk Rock Indeed: The Two Sides of Viv Albertine

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She picks up a guitar because that's what a music-loving art school girl does, with no illusions about becoming a musician. "Mick and I go to Denmark Street to choose a guitar. I've got no idea what to look for. I might as well be going to buy a semi-automatic weapon."
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Secret Lives: Katherine Heiny’s ‘Single, Carefree, Mellow’

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Almost a quarter-century after the day that Roger Angell called you with the news that he wanted to publish your story, a book with your name on it is at last out in the world and bringing you acclaim that surprises you.
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Yahya Frederickson in Yemen: The Gold of the Wayfarer

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"I’ve learned to see that people are not their governments. People are people, with the same hopes, dreams, fears, and feelings as anybody else. And isn’t this realization -- that people are not their government -- something that we’d want people in other countries to realize about us?”
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Agnes Martin’s Perfection: Now and Not Yet

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Who was this reclusive Agnes Martin, and from where do these so-called “inspired” paintings come from? Who is the person generating these canvasses of quiet beauty? The average person finds comfort in narrative; in comprehensible cause and effect.
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Joan Chase: Our Childhood Edens and Lost Orchards of Memory

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We fall back on the novel itself and on our own reactions, delving deeper into the territory of self-investigation. Which is to say, into literature.
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Ruthless, Beautiful, Dangerous, Comforting: How It Is in the World of Tove Jansson  

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Literarily, I am about 11 years old -- falling in love over and again with that secret understanding, the deep solace that odd, lonely children typically find in books about odd, lonely children. This is my best explanation for why the adult stories and novels of Tove Jansson have captivated me so fully.
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Everything Changes: An Interview With Ronna Wineberg

We sat in the living room of my parents’ house and asked questions of our grandparents, aunts, and uncles. We were riveted by their stories and decided to record the conversations on cassette tapes. The discussions were lively; people disagreed about what had happened in the past. My great-grandfather had been murdered in Russia. My great uncle, a man in his late 60s, described the murder to us and as he did, he cried.

This Could Be Your Story: On Matthew Thomas’s We Are Not Ourselves

Parents, partners, relatives, friends: someday you will watch a person you care about suffer. It’s not so much that last shovelful of dirt on the grave that should terrify us, but emptying all those bedpans.

Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa’s Burst of Sicilian Sun

When I read Lampedusa the sun bursts up indeed, thawing all of that deeply seeded “puritanical horror,” and reconciling life forces that, as Lampedusa attempts to show us, were never meant to be opposed.

Kiran Nagarkar: Language, Lore, and Lack of Sales

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Nagarkar has said in multiple interviews that he doesn’t want to do the same thing twice. And in challenging himself as a writer, he is challenging his readers as well, tackling religion, history, and current events no matter who might take offense.
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Paolo Sorrentino: Old is Young, and Late is Late

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I mention Sorrentino’s age -- his relative youth, for an artist so accomplished -- because what I have found most intriguing in his work is the character vehicle he’s chosen, time and again, for his explorations: the aging male in his unlovely twilight.
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Sergei Dovlatov: Gravity, Levity, and Love

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A few years ago, when I first starting reading and writing about Dovlatov, I focused on the wickedly humorous side of Dovlatov’s deadpan. But a few years later, and a few more books into his body of work, I find myself more interested in that earnestness and regret -- in Dovlatov the evolving man and artist, who crafted and, yes, honed a version of himself in his fiction that was just distorted enough to be true.
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Deadlines, Word Counts, and Magnificent Lies: On Hesh Kestin

He had finished his first [novel], Small Change, when he was 23, and it was bought and slated for publication until he balked at changing the title to Season of Lust. The book was never published, nor were the next three. Eventually, as he puts it, “the noise of the hungry bellies of my kids used to keep me up at night.” So he got a real job, this time as a war correspondent—for, as it turned out, Newsday.