Kelly Link’s Romantic Imagination

Though Link’s stories often keep closer bedfellows with Karen Russell and Aimee Bender, her novel is pulpier and more bathetic, in some ways a piece of straight fantasy.

The Everyday Horror of ‘Other Minds and Other Stories’

In someone else’s hands, these stories might be little more than typeset urban legends, the stuff of 2000s-era AOL email chains, but Sims renders them as something both terrifying and mesmerizing.

The Violent Truths of ‘Brutalities’

The impulse to simplify the complicated nature of touch, argues Margo Steines, is not just an intellectual but an ethical failure.

The Truthful Distortions of ‘The MANIAC’

'The MANIAC' is a kind of triptych, presenting us with the conception, painful birth, and exponential growth of the digital computer and its own disquieting offspring, artificial intelligence.

The Visionary Memoirs of Péter Nádas

'Shimmering Details' is a delicate fusion, supplementing the high-modernist realism of Proust and Musil with an expressionist’s commitment to the distortions generated by strong feeling.

Play and Rules: On Megan Fernandes and the Poetics of Kink

The poems of 'I Do Everything I’m Told' pursue an ever more perfect mode of submission.

The Searing Clarity of Hilary Mantel

Mantel the essayist was eager for ideas, light on her feet, yet sharp as a raptor.

Éric Vuillard Is Rewriting the Writing of History

Vuillard doesn’t attempt to hide the fact that his quest for murky truths sometimes forces him to speculate.

Alissa Hattman’s ‘Sift’ Is a Post-Apocalyptic Prophecy

'Sift' is a remarkable entry in the rich climate-change canon that already exists within the genre of speculative fiction.

Marie Darrieussecq Plumbs the Depths of ‘Sleepless’ Nights

'Sleepless' might be one of the few original interventions on the topic of insomnia in the past 15 years.

The Detached Drama of ‘Lazy City’

What does it mean to suffer when your pain is played out?

In Louisa Hall’s ‘Reproduction,’ Motherhood Is Otherworldy

For Hall, the trouble is not that writers can’t find the words to describe their reproductive experiences but that their stories will always be inadequate.

‘Mobility’ Is a New Kind of Climate-Change Novel

As its polyvalent title suggests, Mobility is both a classically-proportioned novel of social climbing and a harsh interrogation of the logic of our petroleum society.

‘Oh God, The Sun Goes’ Is Strange, Surreal, and Utterly Sincere

Tremendously weird stuff. It’s wonderful.

The Orthodoxy of Paradox

In 'The Rigor of Angels,' William Eggington posits that paradoxes are inextricable from knowledge.

Chloe Aridjis’s Night-Sea Journey

'Dialogue with a Somnambulist' reveals a new anxiety: that enchantment, however necessary, will not be sufficient.

The Ambitious Anachronism of ‘The Fraud’

We are to understand that a story with such disclosures could not be published in its time, but we might also feel it could not have been written then.

Scenes from a Literary Marriage

'Wifedom' is less a biography of Eileen—or even a portrait of two halves of a marriage—than an indictment of a writer that Funder has ceased to venerate.