Unsettling the American Dream: The Millions Interviews Viet Thanh Nguyen

I couldn't pay attention to that, not to write the novel I wanted to write. We can't let our work be driven by the anxieties around narrative scarcity.

About Brooklyn, All of Brooklyn: The Millions Interviews Thomas J. Campanella

Deep‐south Brooklyn is the flyover country of New York City. I want to make people think again, and more deeply, about Brooklyn, all of Brooklyn.

We’re in a Rough Place in History Right Now: The Millions Interviews Carmen Maria Machado

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The award-winning author of Her Body and Other Parties on writing fiction for today, the tyranny of genre, and reading outside of our comfort zones.
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I’m Suspicious of Empathy: The Millions Interviews Jess Row

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The central challenge in fiction is representing other lives and consciousnesses. That’s always the core artistic challenge.
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Storytelling Should Never Be Confused with Sociology: The Millions Interviews John Domini

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John Domini’s new novel concludes his trilogy set in Naples after a fictional earthquake, engrossing readers in a gripping mystery.
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I Wanted to Mine the History: The Millions Interviews Margaret Wilkerson Sexton

On the heels of her National Book Award-nominated debut novel, A Kind of Freedom, Margaret Wilkerson Sexton returns with The Revisioners, out in November.

Translation as a Condition of Life: The Millions Interviews Aron Aji

One’s proficiency in a language has little to do with one’s birthplace. Proficiency requires training, study, and practice.

All Poetry Is Political: The Millions Interviews Olivia Gatwood

Even the freedom to be indifferent is political. White, cis, straight men feeling unburdened enough to not talk about politics is political.

Complicating Our Narratives About Addiction and Illness: The Millions Interviews Amy Long

I don’t worry about opioids altering how I perceive my life since I don’t get anything but pain relief from them. I just took a pain pill, but I’m not high.

Sprawling Messes Are What I Aim For: The Millions Interviews Chris Ware

I’ve changed as a person while working on it, reflected both in how I draw and in how I write, and the nation has changed as well, which I’ve tried to acknowledge and incorporate.

I’m a Stained-Glass Guy: The Millions Interviews Kevin Barry

I’m moving more toward subtraction than addition. Which isn’t to say that the next novel won’t be a big and baggy monster. You change all the time.

Fiction Is Better Than It’s Ever Been: The Millions Interviews Brian Birnbaum

Writing will be obsolete when we're able to directly access our brains. It’ll be like Hieroglyphs—they’re beautiful, but we don’t need that shit anymore.

B.J. Hollars Explores the Midwest’s Strangest Corners

Mysteries aren’t something to be solved, but something to be embraced. We don’t need to conquer; we just need to be curious. For me, that’s where the revelation lives—in the not-knowing.

Rick Moody’s New Book Takes on Marriage, for Better and for Worse

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In his second memoir, Moody comes clean about his resistance to monogamy and an adult life marked by self-destructiveness and “a long list of regrets.”
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Topple the Top 10 List: The Millions Interviews Emily Nussbaum

I think that’s a valuable thing for critics to do—to break the boxes that people have created for art, that keep people from seeing them in a bigger vision.

Stay for the Festive Rage: The Millions Interviews Lee Conell

One thing I love about the writing process is the way it consistently teaches me to let go of whatever I’m overly attached to, whatever I feel smug about.

A Veteran Reflects on America’s Longest War

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In nine years wearing military uniforms I only trained to fight offensive wars. My training had nothing to do with the defense of American soil.
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Shaun Hamill Has a Scary Story to Tell You

His debut novel ‘A Cosmology of Monsters’ is both a horror novel and a rich love story, told with tenderness and brimming with darkness.