How to Tweet Like Boris from The Goldfinch

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Apply nicknames to anyone at any time. They should come from references to your life, rather than theirs. Spend time convincing others of things with an exclamation point, especially when you know to opposite to be true. Remember that the weather is always against you. It singles you out.
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“Dumbest Thing Ever”: Scribbling in the Margins of Dan Brown’s Inferno

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WARNING: There are probably Dan Brown spoilers here, but come on, seriously.
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A Will Shortz Murder Mystery Reviewed

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Stylistically, Shortz is perhaps over-fond of the pun, haphazardly abbreviates words, and is allergic to apostrophes, but no other living author can so seamlessly integrate crosswordese -- those rare words that pop up frequently in grids -- into a narrative.
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Détente by Index: On Earl Sprague’s Invitation to a Subheading

How fitting that their notorious feud end via the healing powers of a well-constructed index, which Indexer’s Weekly proudly presents here in full.

The Things I’ll Ban when I Get Elected Mayor of New York City

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Since everyone else in the city is running for mayor, I figure I might as well get in on the fun. My qualifications? I have never posted pictures of my erect penis on Twitter.
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The Adjunct

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Avoid passive voice. When you write in the passive voice you sound like a landlord or a lawyer; you sound like you mean to avoid responsibility. Is that true? Do you eschew responsibility? Were you up until four a.m. writing on the walls of girls’ Facebook pages before you started this paper?
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How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Poets

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I once had a real-life encounter with a poet at four a.m. in a Las Vegas Denny’s. He leaned over the back of his booth, made some awkward introduction, and began reciting lines from a wrinkled paper about the haunting sound wind makes or some nonsense. This encounter gave me an acute poet-phobia that lasted for years.
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I Have So Many People to Thank

My love of writing began in kindergarten, and so I would be remiss not to thank Mrs. Rosemary Porter and everyone at Chester Arthur Elementary School, from Principal Tucker to Esmeralda from the lunchroom, not to mention all of my classmates. Wherever all of you are, I hope you know that you have not been forgotten and your efforts to include me in your spirited games of kickball were not in vain.

Amazon Announces Purchase of English™

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Plans are also in the works to acquire German, Spanish, French, and Mandarin Chinese, Bezos said, as well as several nonstandard dialects of English™, including African-American Vernacular English, popular among the highly desirable 18-25 upscale suburban demographic.
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Conspiring Minds

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The often naïve heroes of conspiracy fiction must quickly learn to read the signs of an increasingly sinister world, and read I did. The students in my composition class on conspiracy fiction were in fact conspiring against me.
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Announcing a New Reader Tax

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It is with a mixture of regret (the feeling I would like to project) and unrestrained joy (my actual feeling) that I would like to announce that I am now charging a $3.00 processing fee for all new subscription requests sent to me by literary magazines.
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The Universal Penman Revisited: An Illustrated Tale

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Today, penmanship is considered the trifle of homebound scrap-bookers, a craft for people who read Martha Stewart Living. But in Bickham's day, penmanship was an essential business tool -- as essential then as knowing how to make a spreadsheet is in today's office. You knew a good accountant based on the elegance of the ledger.
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The Game’s Afoot: The Case of the Mystery Genre’s Terrible Secret

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The biggest secret in crime fiction is that there are really only, like, four ways to tie up a mystery, and I’m going to show you all of them in 1200 words. Get ready to have an entire genre irrevocably spoiled.
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Multiple Joyce (A Wee Little Quizling)

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Every second Shatterday in Jejune, but never on sundaes.
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More Soon: A Sampling of Electronic Correspondence with Magazine Editors

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A Note on the Paper: An Encomium to Larry

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The tree that became this particular book was a 37-year-old spruce, tall and sturdy, by the name of Larry. Larry was a happy tree, home to children who enjoyed swinging from a tire attached via rope to one of his lower branches. The marks from the rope can be witnessed in the upper left-hand corners of pages 134 and 136.
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