Checking Out: Dispatches From the Sea-Cave Suite and Elsewhere

After a nice long think in the grotto shower, I resolved, once back on dry land, to conduct a survey of recent, or recently reissued, novels that make their home, so to speak, in hotels.

A Year in Reading: Matt Seidel

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In one section, a series of nude women bathe in green water, in blue water, in communal or private tubs, posed in foot baths or sticking their arms in an octopus-like contraption of pipes and funnels. What Whitmanian raptures, or hygienic tips, does the surrounding text reveal?
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American Appetites: A Fiction Review in Three Courses

“Gut eats all day and lechers all the night/so all his meat he tasteth over twice….”

Everybody Stinks: The Life and Work of a Failed Southern Lady

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Florence King was at heart a Randian libertarian, seeing identity politics as antithetical to her sacred sense of individualism and thus worthy of scorn.
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Lurid Tales of Crime and Aristocratic Extravagance

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The primary pleasure in 'Making Monte Carlo' comes from watching the various eccentrics, lowlifes, high-rollers, and famous artists -- -- Edvard Munch, Karl Marx, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Coco Chanel -- stroll in to take a seat at the table.
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Men in Tights Crammed into Confined Spaces

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Bachelder’s portrait of middle-class, middle-aged males revolves around football. Full disclosure: In my version of hell, scowling football coaches pace up and down the River Styx, their steady barking of martial commands only interrupted to consult their laminated sheets on which every possible variation on the off-tackle running play is written.
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A Hint of the Demonic: Photography as a Dark Art

Félix Nadar personifies photography as an avenging angel who, through the accursed image, makes her terrible will known.

A Walk in the Park: On Suzanne Berne’s ‘The Dogs of Littlefield’

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I tucked a copy of Suzanne Berne’s latest, 'The Dogs of Littlefield,' under my arm before being tugged out the door by my basset hound.
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It’s Time to Play…The Reissue Factor

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Sorry, it’s a no for us. Lacks emotional depth and the saber-toothed tiger subplot felt forced.
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Beautiful Deaths: On the World of Gabrielle Wittkop

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The tales are less psychological than physiological; how a character thinks matters less than how a body moves, or perishes.
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A Year in Reading: Matt Seidel

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This year’s unifying theme for me was “teeth,” or maybe it just seemed that way because, thanks entirely to my wife, I finally got on a dental insurance plan.
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Penny Dreadful: Writing on a Budget

When it came time to begin work on a new novel, I headed for a retailer that could help me break into the NYT bestseller list without breaking the bank.

Family Secrets: On Matthew Spender’s ‘A House in St. John’s Wood’

Auden, playing the role of “kind but didactic wizard,” would teach Stephen Spender's young son about adjectives or compose “Tolkienish poems” with him.

And Then We Pick: On Ed Caesar’s ‘Two Hours: The Quest to Run the Impossible Marathon’

Seconds don’t come cheap in elite racing, and the two-hour marathon, at least when Caesar was writing his book, was still 218 seconds away.

A Life on the Rocks: Steve Toltz’s ‘Quicksand’

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There’ll always be a place for the sad sack in fiction, heroes of topsy-turvy Bildungsromans who regress or stall rather than develop.
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No, No, Nanette: A Profile

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I asked one last question before closing my notebook, one to which every writer and agent is dying to know the answer: Will Nanette ever decide to publish a book?
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Let Me Think About It: On Recommending Books

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“Got any good books to recommend?” For me, the equivalent of a politician’s “gotcha” question.
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Off Leash: On André Alexis’s ‘Fifteen Dogs’

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Alexis’s conceit, in which dogs are caught between human and canine worlds, in a sense reflects their real-life predicament: dogs are creatures upon whom owners project distinctly human intelligence and emotions.
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