The Road: A Comedic Translation (Part 4)

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Their ravenous mouths were sandwichless, the frail lie exposed. A cracked and empty cicadashell. The new world gray and skeletonboned, heavy with reckoning. No barrelpickles anywhere, not even Polish dills.
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The Road: A Comedic Translation (Part 3)

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I dont know, the man said, and it was truth. He didnt know where all the apostrophes had gone.
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The Road: A Comedic Translation (Part 2)

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The city was blackened, burned to completion. No sign of life. Not a hobo nor trollop, tourist nor knishvendor. Cars swimbled with ash, heavy with parkingtickets. Never to be paid nor contested, no weary fist shaken at the judge’s vacant robes.
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The Road: A Comedic Translation (Part 1)

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In the knapsacks were essential things: tins of food, metal utensils, a broken Slinky, a canopener, three bullets, a picture of ham.
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