
February 13, 2008 | 4 books mentioned 3


  • NPR offers a nifty gallery that accompanies the publication of this quirky collection: Not Quite What I Was Planning: Six-Word Memoirs by Writers Famous and Obscure.
  • The Coen Brothers have signed on to helm the film version of Michael Chabon’s The Yiddish Policemen’s Union. The big-screen version of The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, meanwhile, is nowhere to be found (though it’s reportedly been in the works for years).
  • Elsewhere in book-to-movie news, Ian McEwen is pleased with the film version of his novel Atonement.
  • Poet and critic Reginald Shepherd reflects on becoming a blogger. “Until a couple of years ago, I barely knew what a blog was, and certainly had never seen one,” he writes. But it proved quite fruitful: “it sometimes seems that my blog has done more to raise my profile than all my more-than-fifteen years of copious publishing put together.”
  • Five reasons not to give up books (the paper ones, as opposed the digital counterparts.)
  • I think it’s an ad for a video game, but this video contains some masterful soccer kung fu.
  • None of us at The Millions is affiliated with Princeton, but this list of the school’s most influential alums is interesting in a random sort of way.
  • The new half-hour HBO show In Treatment is a free podcast at the iTunes store. The show stars Gabriel Byrne as a psychotherapist and each episode represents a single session with one of five patients.
  • The writers’ strike is over. The resulting carnage on the schedules for all your favorite shows is laid out here.

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